Evo - Shade shifter

Colour | All Levels March - September Studio: SA, VIC, NSW

Transform you skills in mixology with fundamentals of direct dye colouring with Evo.


You can create any shade you can imagine when you’ve got Fab Pro and Staino at your fingertips. Get to know Evo’s direct dye technology as you transform your skills in mixology, at-home maintenance, bespoke colour glory. Then learn to remove your creation so you can start all over again.


Class Duration: 3 hours
Class Size: Approximately 15 students
What is provided: Morning Tea


  • Become a master of fab pro and staino mixology
  • Discover the technology behind fab pro and staino direct dyes
  • Master the art of take-home colour maintenance
  • Maximise your use of the entire direct dye palette when making any shade
  • Gain confidence in direct dye removal, including removing the most stubborn shades


1. Scroll down to view all locations and dates available for Evo - Shade shifter - studio class.

2. Click "Book now" on the corresponding class according to your preferred location and date.

3. You'll be redirected to Eventbrite (https://www.eventbrite.com.au/).

4. Click the red "Check out for..." button.

5. Fill out your billing information.

6. Reserve your ticket by pressing the red "Place Order" button.

upcoming dates

Sydney NSW: 14th October 2024


Registration Enquiry

For any questions or assistance, please complete the enquiry form, and we'll get back to you promptly. We're here to assist you!

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